Aliens: Do Aliens Actually Exist? Part 2


Aliens: Do Aliens Actually Exist? Part 2

Among these creatures, there are usually creatures that can live for two hundred to three or four hundred years.  Almost every creature is more intelligent and technologically advanced than humans.  Among them there are creatures that reach our earth by covering a distance of millions of miles in fifteen to twenty minutes.  Their flying saucers or means of travel are different and more than one.

 Aliens: Do Aliens Actually Exist? Part 2

Aliens: Do Aliens Actually Exist? Part 2 in/300x533/v2/

  It is also mentioned in the book that a council of five extremely strong beings belonging to different planets has been formed which wants to protect the life of us humans on the planet.  These creatures are protecting us from other cruel creatures.  They also have weapons to destroy other creatures.  Such beings on other planets have on various occasions destroyed each other or colonized other planets.  The book also gives pictures of all such creatures.  A total of eighty two creatures are mentioned in this book.  Apart from this, in a separate website, these six creatures belonging to different planets are also mentioned who want to occupy our earth and make us their slaves.


There is also the interesting story of one creature visiting the earth on different occasions and meeting more than two American presidents.  It has also been said that representatives of this creature have met with the Soviet Union government several times.

Aliens: Do Aliens Actually Exist? Part 2

Aliens: Do Aliens Actually Exist? Part 2

It has also been reported that America and Russia have been given limited technology by this creature and in exchange for their support to continue their experiments on Earth, but these powerful beings have been unable to protect human beings.  The importance of an agreement with a power like America is the same as an agreement with any weak African or Asian country!  The ships (flying saucers) of all these creatures on which they travel are beyond human understanding in terms of their speed. A creature from a planet with a population of about five million also has a ship that can carry five million people at a time.  Most of these creatures are interested in creating hybrids of human and their own species.

 No reason for some of them coming to earth was known.  Apart from their own planet, some creatures have almost made our earth their second home.

 Among them are many beings who are constantly in contact with humans and the governments of large countries.  There is also a creature with a big egg-like head and big eyes and a weak body four feet long, but we are no match for them in intelligence and technology.  One creature has a wide frog-like face.  Some are creatures with dark and scary eyes.  The book makes a special mention of Syrian creatures, which have been in contact with our Earth for centuries.  He is the oldest creature and expert in all kinds of sciences and arts.  He trained the ancient Egyptians in astronomy, architecture, medicine, etc.  With the help of this creature, the Egyptians were able to build their pyramids.  The Siren was also closely related to the Maya civilization of South America.  In addition to the Mayan civilization and the ancient Egyptian civilization, we have been learning a lot from visitors from other planets in different periods of human history.  There is also mention of a human-like creature that lays eggs.  The creature with almost a lizard mouth is also a very powerful and cruel type of creature.

Aliens: Do Aliens Actually Exist? Part 2

Aliens: Do Aliens Actually Exist? Part 2

The smallest creature is two feet tall.  The name of each creature's galaxy or planet is also mentioned in the book.  The atmosphere of the book makes it seem that our presence on the planet in the presence of these highly powerful and advanced beings from other planets depends only on their pleasure.  Perhaps they are in favor of maintaining our existence on earth as a unique creature of this universe, just as we humans recognize the right of all other species to live on this planet.  It has been said in relation to some creatures that they get special types of minerals from other planets and want to get some of the same rare types of minerals from our earth.  Humans cannot stop them from abducting themselves, nor can they afford to hinder their other activities.

 Result of natural forces:

       The British Ministry of Defense and British scientists jointly conducted a research at the official level in the year 2000, which lasted for four years.  This was the central question of this research.

 "Is there anyone there?"

 The researchers' response after the study was:


 The four-hundred-page report said:

 There is no evidence to conclude that UFO sightings are dangerous or that they are controlled, that they may be the result of natural forces.

 The question arises, if there are no flying saucers, then what are they, which have been repeatedly seen by people in different parts of the world in the air like a flying saucer?

  The British scientists responded by saying that the research suggests that unidentified aerial sightings of flying saucers appear to be the result of collapsing stars and their impacts.  That is, flying saucers are formed by interactions between magnetic, electrical, physical and meteorological forces in space.

 According to research, different electrical, magnetic and meteorological conditions in space result in some occurring for such short periods that they appear unique to each person.

 It is difficult to convince people who say they have seen a flying saucer up close that they did not see what they thought they saw.

 There could be many reasons for UFO sightings but it would be difficult to convince everyone that there is a scientific answer to such mysterious factors.


Visiting Earth by Extraterrestrials:

       Some scientists claim that not only life exists in this universe and outer space, but that people are highly advanced and have even visited our earth in their spaceships.  In favor of his theory, he presents some arguments which undoubtedly point to the fact that beings from another world have visited our world at some point and have left some traces of themselves here.


 Costa Rica is a country in Central America.  In the 1930s, workers were clearing trees and bushes in the middle of a very dense forest to plant banana plantations when they saw large stone balls.  Most of them are surprisingly sophisticated.  The number of these shells is in dozens.  The smallest sphere is about the size of a tennis ball, while the larger spheres are eight feet in diameter and are not natural stones but are manufactured.  But who?

 Despite many years of research, it is not known who made them, what was their purpose and the biggest question is how were they made in perfect roundness?

 They are also said to be signs of space beings.

 Aliens: Do Aliens Actually Exist? Part 2

Aliens: Do Aliens Actually Exist? Part 2

 In 1927, Peruvian archaeologist Toribo Mejia discovered hundreds of shapes known as the Nazca Lines spread over 500 square kilometers in Nazca.  Ranging from 150 feet to 890 feet above the surface of the earth, these figures include images of birds, animals and various designs.  Its special feature is that they cannot be seen standing on the ground.  Think about how these pictures can be made while standing on the ground when they cannot be seen while standing on the ground.  That too centuries ago.  It seems that this part of the earth was once occupied by astronauts from the outer world and had also built their airport here.  Nazca lines are also drawn in some places as long as today's runways.  Thousands of years ago, when airplanes were unimaginable, how would these pictures have been made?

 And why was there a need to build such long and modern runways thousands of years ago?  This means that those people used to land their spaceships here.  According to experts, this Run One-style area has been placed under extremely deadly pressure, which is not easy even for today's humans.

To be continued 

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